About Aquahelios Seed Oil Presses
Aquahelios Seed Oil Press Models Range From 10-15 kg/h To 1000 kg/h.
Aquahelios Seed Oil Presses and Filters are for the cold pressing of various seeds into quality oil for the Food, Cosmetics, Industrial and Protein Meal markets. The equipment we provide is of the latest German engineering technology. Presses are designed to run on a 24/7 oil production cycle with a minimum of labour input required.
Aquahelios Seed Oil Presses options we offer are:
- Supply of separate machines, to upgrade existing facilities.
- To supply complete systems for new entrants into the production of cold presses oils market.
- We can ensure by the training that we offer, that systems can be introduced in a way that ensures efficient production is rapidly achieved.
For Farmers producing rapeseed and sunflower seeds, moving into the oil production phase can add further value to your crop. Oil pressed from the seeds can be sold on to many markets including the Cosmetics industry, Food/Culinary industry, Cattle and Poultry feed supplements, Green fuels and lubrication oils, paints and candles supply markets. View our current range of Seed Oil Presses

Seed Oil Press models:
Aquahelios Seed Oil Presses, models are available for small process runs starting off with our bench-top model that has a seed capacity of 15 kg/33lbs per hour, right the way up to our largest seed oil press at the moment which has a 453kg/1,000lbs seed capacity per hour. Presses are available with many configurations, this enables you to process a wide variety of seeds or nuts.
The Solids Remaining After The Seed Oil Has Been Pressed:
The solids remaining after the seed oil has been pressed which we call cake, is not waste. Seed Oil Cake is an important and valuable part of your business providing a good income or valuable asset for farmers. View more Information On Cake and its benefits.
For more information on your specific needs and our latest prices of the equipment please click the contact us button below.